Illegal Search & Seizure

Protecting Your 4th Amendment Rights

Law enforcement officers are making traffic stops, kicking in doors, paying informants and threatening to take children away in order to find illegal activity.  Illegal dog sniffs, train and bus stops, intercepting packages and wiretaps are used, too.  In many instances, they violate the Fourth Amendment with their tactics.  The court can toss out the evidence if it finds that your rights were violated.  Without the evidence, the prosecutor does not have a case.  Sometimes cash or property is seized illegally.

The attorneys at Dornan, Troia, Howard, Breitkreutz, Dahlquist & Klein PC LLO break down the steps that the officers took in finding whatever it is they want to charge you with.  They work to protect your rights and the rights of others in the process. 

Click on these links to view just a few of the results in pdf that Jason Troiaand Mallory Hughes have obtained for their clients.

Call 402-884-7044 or Email Today.