Sex Offender & Child Abuse

In 2009, the Nebraska Legislature made amendments to the Nebraska Sex Offender Registry Law adopting the federal Adam Walsh Act and adding its own onerous restrictions.  Our law office championed a civil lawsuit in U.S. District Court that successfully struck down many of the added restrictions.  Click on the pdf icon to view the opinion.

We have successfully represented clients with various sex related charges including Sex Assault/Rape, Manufacturing and Possessing Child Pornography, Violation of the Sex Offender Registry, and Child Enticement.  Click on the pdf icon to view a supreme court opinion where we had success in removing a person from the sex offender registry, and in vacating his convictions and sentence.

Lifetime supervision of sex offenders is also an area that we have experience in.  We have helped our clients prepare less restrictive alternatives to continued incarceration. Additionally, we have represented clients charged with child abuse both at the felony and misdemeanor level.  This includes charges where shaken baby syndrome is alleged.

Call 402-884-7044 or Email Today.